About this fundraiser

I am creating this fundraiser to finally be able to put a deposit down on a housing type unit that I will never have to pay rent on because to me that's not owning one's home and I just want a home to hang my coats or place my shoes on my floor. I want a place to call Mt own after years and years of being on housing lists  i came to realize it's never gonna happen for me after as little so far 5 yes to 24yrs and I don't want to live in a dangerous place and let's face it we all know rent to own are far and few and I want to depend on me and me only .I want to be a happy dependence t responsible proud homeowner and right now I've been paying 1795 MO and I'll never ever have a penny left or get ahead and I have a grandson now at 2mo date is 2..03..25..so he's going to need me and I want a Grammy home .one he can come to in anytime of need ..a safe haven. A place to bake cookies play outside watch TV be safe.. trees and grass. Just normal thing to want but I'm going to be 54 on may 29 so I don't know I'd it will happen for me and suppose I fall ill.i don't want assisted care facility. I have one sisterv3 yes older. That's it. I have no back round don't use drugs or have mere then 1 0r 2 drinks. I can't in 2011 I had a spinal cord injury and a fractured c5 c6 I'm lucky to have survived but I never got drunk again and won't. So I've had a hard long lonely life mostly dependent on men I'm ashame to say. I've never been single and crave that now more then I ever had. I need to show my daughter the right way to live. Go to school it's OK to be a single mom that if I'm strong enough to break free and can do it so can she..please help.ive never asked or begged or borrowed in my life until wanting to be free and independent and have my own type housing I can finally have a home and be happy. My children need me my son isc27 my daughter is 24 I have one adorable easy beautiful grandson. Please help me in anyway. I'm not interested in any kind of social media seclx exchange of pics nothingbsexual at all notbeven a kiss.i will take your hand in friendship though. Anyway that's my sad honest hardwire bad luck story. I'm sure you read many but I hope perhaps u believe me and want to help..not feel sorry for just help someone up when they have fallen and need your hand to get back up and start over. Sandra Lubansky philadelphia pa

Organized by

Sandra Lubansky

Philadelphia, PA, USA
