First I'd like to give the LORD praise and glory for the work that HE is doing and is still doing in me.
I am asking for help with moving into a new place. I am coming out of an abusive marriage for 13 years. The past 6 years I got on meth, the past 4 years I'd been trying to get off. I finally realized my life had become unmanageable. I had to break off my marriage because my husband was also the one giving me the drugs and he finally admitted he didn' want to quit. I had been trying since 2020 to get off but I couldn't make it past 6 months.
I couldn't understand why or how I could know the LORD but yet still chose to smoke meth. I hated myself but yet the LORD kept seeking me kept pursuing me. I prayed all the time, for HIM to help me and HE would but I still kept going back. Finally I said ok, I give up & leg go. I looked into free rehab's because I did not have insurance. I was suppose to go check in Oct 7th 2024 into a rehab in Houston Texas. I drove 3.5 hours to Houston TX and upon arrivel at the rehab they said “because I had not used for a week I was no longer in detox." They couldn't take me but the LORD had other plans that I was not aware of.
I started again looking for help back in Georgetown Texas. Then I heard from the LORD “Be still one will come to you”. That same day my sponsor from Celebrate Recovery called and said “you want to go to a meeting”. I said "yes" When I was there I explained what happened and a woman there gave me a gentleman's name. I texted him that night, he got me in contact with an insurance broker and got me insurance. The LORD got me in a rehab in Houston Texas; INTO ACTION.
I then took action and rescheduled my hearing for my divorce, which was November 5th, I packed up my apartment November 7th. Then got on a plane November 8th to Rehab in Houston Texas.
I took the leap that allowed me to heal and rebuild in Christ with an understanding that addiction, whether a substance or person or object or place is a 3 fold desease (evil spirits). This is a mind, soul and heart, spirit and body, vessel subject. It's not just one, but many parts or member. All three must be taken care of, we also walk in the Heavenly (mind, heart and body). Then there is the Earthly (soul, spirit and vessel). There is a spiritual malady or infirmity with the spirit. The mind is chasing dope because it's the dopamine (dope) that the body is seeking.
I am now in sober living my completion date is Feb 3rd. I am still doing out patient treatment I found a local church that I have been attending. I was able to leave 2 weeks into my sober living to go get my car from Round Rock. The LORD provided me with a job at the local hospital. I did an application for an apartment and got approved. I paid my deposit and my move date is Jan 30th.
This apartment I will also be roommating with two other sober people from the rehab I went to with them both. We have decide to split the rent. Our goal is to start over in sobriety with CHRIST.
I'm asking for help for my first month's rent ($1139) to get my utilities on and for moving expenses to go get my furniture from my mom's house from Round Rock Texas to bring back to Texas City Texas, where my apartment is located.
I am very grateful for the LORD that HE gave Mercy to me and allowed me to see life again.
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and I pray that you would please keep me and my two roommates in prayer as well.
May the LORD fill you will Joy and Peace and most of All LOVE, in JESUS NAME
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