About this fundraiser

Good day I am a single mom for a few years now  I am asking for a small donation anyone that can help me raise some  fund . This funds  be use to get the kids cloth shoe a place to live ,school supplies and food . this money is only to be spend on the kids that I have and nothing more . I am pleading  out for help any amount is good we are  really in need . if I could have do it by myself I would not have ask for help ..am ask if not for my sake but for these beautiful young souls. They fathe have pass for sometime now an it’s been a lot for me to give them a better life . I am Asking with a good heart and to let everyone know that the funds  will only be spend on  the kids and what they needed. We will greatly appreciate it I would really take care of the smart, beautiful, intelligent young soul, a better life, and a better education. There is so much I can say about my life and raising my kids alone from a very young age to now, But it, but it bring teas in my eyes and broken my heart to know that I cannot provide and give him the life that day to serve for such beautiful, intelligent, smart kids. I really don’t have anyone I can call on to help me so I am baking and pleading with anyone to please send a small donation so I can be able beautiful soul up our life. 

Organized by

Deandrea Major

Indianapolis, IN, USA
