My husband Don is a great man. He's worked most of his life, as have I. He's had a series of health issues for over 8 months. He got a high temp in May. He was admitted In hospital and found out he had a serious infection. He had surgery to remove bladder stones. Unfortunately he got worse with the infection. When he was finally discharged we thought he would recover soon. A day after the discharge from hospital his high temp continued. The doctor has now put him on IV antibiotics at home. He will be on that for a month. If it contues he will end up back in hospital. They are worried it could be sepsis which can be deadly. During all of that his truck broke down. Because of unforseen frame issues it will cost thousands to fix. We have only had truck for yr. So now we are down to one car. If or when he can return to work that will be hard. We have an adult special needs child. She goes to a program 5 hrs a day. And because my husband hasn't worked, his insurance premiums are due next week. If not paid he could lose his insurance. We do have a gofundme page. The link is
Please at the very least 🙏 for my husbands health a finances. We are going down fast. Donations are appreciated. Any little bit can help. Thank you all so much for reading our story. And God bless you all!
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