About this fundraiser

My 39 year old daughter Andrea Cantrell has been on dialysis for 5 ½ years due to a rare kidney disease. She is now on the transplant list hoping to get a donor soon. She will have some out of pocket expenses such as medication co-payments, gas, food, possible hotel expense etc.  She’s unable to work due to having dialysis treatments 4 days a week. She also has a 12 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. 

Charleston Medical Center in WV is where she will travel to for her transplant when she receives a donor.  We are praying she will get a donor soon so we need to be as prepared as we can.  Any donations to help Andrea will be greatly appreciated and used for this very important cause.  


Organized by

Wanda Spriggs

Paintsville, KY, USA
