About this fundraiser

Hey everyone! My name is Tracy. I’m a plant, tech, art and literature nerd who, unfortunately, drew the genetic short straw and have degenerative disc disease.  It’s now taking aim at my neck.  The 3rd neck surgery is June 27th. it’s extensive. Two fusions and removing a broken disc replacement (surgery #1) that is slipping and compressing vertebral arteries. Currently, I have two numb hands (so no fine motor skills), two weak and painfully tingling arms, and issues with vision, coordination, memory and even consciousness, due to blood flow being restricted. Medical bills (insurance is only covering a portion due to “experimental” elements), a long and painful recovery, plus not being able to work and not build my small plant business are crippling me.  If you can help out with donations: my sincere thanks. If you can’t,, some positive thoughts are also greatly appreciated. 
Peace and compassion to all, 


Organized by

Tracy Davenport

McKinney, TX, USA
