About this fundraiser

I hope you can help me pay for my wife's funeral. My name is Rick Young and I just lost my wife after 6 year struggling  . She had breast cancer kidney cancer. Many years of surgery and pain she had to live with. We moved to Jackson to be closer to the family, we were rejected. They never called to check on her. She died thinking she had no family except for myself and couple of the boys. We are on Social security so we don't have anything to fall back on. Marsha was born and raised in Jackson. She graduated from Jackson high school and later got her degree in nursing from Charles Southern. Things were OK for awhile. That's when we found out the bad news Cancer. I myself worked all my life and retired after 30 years of service in Winston Salem NC.If you who ever you are can help. The. Funeral was a lot of money we don't have. Cancer took my wife and all that we had. I need your help please. If you want to find out more reach out and please help me live without my wife until I see her again in Heaven. My email address is bless.

Organized by

Rick Young

Jackson, SC, USA
