About this fundraiser

Hello! I am trying to help out a friend who is leaving a very abusive relationship of 15 years with her son whom is 3 years old. She has no friends no family and nothing or no where to go. She was dependent on him the entirety of their relationship. I'm trying to get her somewhere secure and safe so she can get situated and set up with financial security. I can help with some furnishings and some food but unfortunately I cannot provide a place for them to stay. I know she would be so grateful for any and all help especially beings she is confident enough to finally leave this very toxic and unhealthy relationship before it gets any worse and her son is subject to any danger or potential abuse. She is very sheltered and lonely and it took alot for her to open up to me about it so to show how proud I am of her for coming forward I'm looking to get as much help as possible. I have went with her to county services, housing help, catholic charities, DV advocates and no one can offer help at this time. So any and all help is beyond appreciated! It would be life changing for her. I want her to finally see she is worth so much more than the life she has been living. She is an awesome mom and has a huge heart of gold I've never met someone so pure and so genuine and she deserves the help. Thank you in advance for any and all help. ❀️

Organized by

Vanessa James

Voorhees Township, NJ, USA
