About this fundraiser

Crowdfunding is the last place I wanted to go towards, but here we are and tis is life. I’ve always been a pretty open book on socials, & this is no different, I wanted to have all the results instead of dwell on the unknown, if you know me I will worry about every teeny thing until I’m sick. Enough jabber, June 27th I went in for some routing testing, results came back July 12th, with some cause for concern and high markers. Scheduled this surgery which was basically the gold standard of worst case scenario of further testing and pathology. I had a pretty wicked procedure last Thursday, during this procedure (colposcopy) the physician was able to see Cynthia, she is full of abnormal cells & I bet you can guess, pathology came back this morning with Adenocarcinoma. I will be having another scan this week, known as a pet scan to make sure it hasn’t spread into further tissue or lymph nodes. I will still be able to do under go my radical hysterectomy next Thursday, with the standard rounds of chemo and radiation following. I have some really amazing people in my life, & I know they will not only take time away from work & families to help, but will help with the mounting medical bills and medication costs. I’ve had an advocate working with me already on some referrals to organizations for women in this situation. anything that this raises will be solely going to medical & medication costs. Also- in this day and age and scamming is a a major problem, and anyone willing to help I have zero issue sending you pathology reports, the numerous tests, bloodwork, and even a really up close picture of Cynthia 🤞🏼


if you’ve read this far thank you ♥️

Organized by

Alyssa Braband

Gillette, WY, USA
