About this fundraiser


My name is Kerri MLynn, 52,  and I live with my mom Sharon 78, and our 2 bogs Rio and Minnie. We live in Midwest City Oklahoma off of Sooner Rd.  Our bills have reached a very high balance.  Our bathroom was torn up by a friend who decided he could.fix the plumbing.  He ripped out our sink and showerehead and most of the wall in front of the pipes and we have bath water.  But it is harder than you think to be careful getting in and out of the bathtub. A shower head and the finishes wall plus a little sink would solve this problem.  

  we are currently overridden by bedbugs and rats.  I sleep on my massage table because they don't bite me there.  But there are bites all over my mom and our dogs and some on me as well .  Due to my health problems and my mother's declining  health  we have not been able to afford a professional or effect any progress.  Our circumstances are it is  impossible  and ineffective to physically do the work of making this a safe clean space to live in.  Getting rid of them has to come first bc no one can come and do home health for.my mom. 

     Brain surgeries due to traumatic brain injury from a being hit by a Hit and run driver in 1996  are hard to rexover from.  2 months ago I had a stroke and passed out. Hit my head on the back tub and woke up with half My head shaved and stitches all around the top of my skull.  It's a miracle that it went as well as it did since then i've.  It's been operated on 2 more times And I am still disabled and recovering.  I haven't been approved for disability yet but I applied.  I just need some help. I need some help with the damage from the repairman. Trying to fix my bathtub shower.  In ripping out my lavatory. I need help with the bed bugs and the rats. And I need to be able to pay serv pro to clean sanitized disinfect and make perfect our house.  I can keep up with the day to day cleaning but it has to be done a once over the right way.

My mom has been diagnosed with probable mouth cancer and is waiting to Have a biopsy.  So we need to get it fixed especially if she has to do Chemo.  I have to do some medical tests and get a new set of teeth the ones sooner care paid for.broke in half because they were not done right. I have to pay for a whole new set even though they were made wrong for mouth.  I have a long to do list and I thank God for it.  I thank whoever feels it in their heart or mind to help by donating.  And I know that each person will be doubly blessed for their kindness. 

Sharon Rio Minnie and I want to say 1000 thank you's and God Bless you and yours. 

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind and generous support. Your dedication to making a difference is a shining example for us all. May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and may your generosity inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

Organized by

Kerri Torrance

Midwest City, OK, USA
