About this fundraiser

Hi, my name is Amy. My sister Sarah and I are asking you for help. We recently found out that our mother, Patricia Jones has advanced ovarian cancer and possibly stomach cancer as well. The Doctor has sent out the fluid they drained from her stomach to be tested to see how much it has spread. She has went downhill fast. They have not given her a definite timeframe yet, but it’s not sounding very good. Our mom has an appointment Friday with a specialist and we are hoping to find out more details after her visit. Even with treatment it doesn’t seem very good, so she has decided she would rather not go through any chemotherapy. My sister and I live 2 hours away and we have already made multiple trips to visit her not knowing when or if there will be a next time. My mom told us to prepare ourselves now and start planning. I will say I would have never imagined making funeral arrangements with my sister and mom while she’s still here! I don’t think we have even processed it yet or if that’s even possible. Our mom told us it would be easier to do it now than later. Sarah and I just looked at her like are you being serious right now? Well she was. So we are asking for donations for memorial and funeral expenses, bills, household necessities, gas, food, and whatever her two grandchildren may need that live with her. Our mom raised us to be very independent and anyone who knows me knows I don’t like to ask for help. Our mother has definitely given me, my sister, and her grandchildren some of our best days and memories. We would like to do the same for her during her last days. I will keep everyone updated with each doctors visit. We want to thank everyone in advance for your help. Please keep us all in prayers. If you are able to help in anyway at all like, cooked meals, transportation to appointments and so forth let us know. If anything please share our post. People say you’re a victim or survivor of cancer, however I disagree. Either way cancer dies it doesn’t win.



Organized by

Amy DeJesus

Advance, NC, USA
