About this fundraiser

Hi, all! My name is Mady Corredor Roman Parker along with my siblings, we have a very special request. It would mean the world to me and my family if you could please take the time to read our story and share your compassion.

Our wonderful mother, Carmen Lydia Roman (god bless her soul), was very blessed with many children and she loved them so very much. She had a very rough life, but she was always grateful to be our mom... We were just recently informed of our mother's untimely passing a little sooner than expected due to health issues she was having, like extensive bleeding that the doctors found in her brain and hemorrhaging within her body. Along with that, tests were performed and the doctors discovered cancers in her brain, lungs, liver, bladder, and colon. I'm currently going through my own situation in life and I have two kids under the age of 10 that I'm supporting entirely on my own, as well as I'm sure other family members that are going through something in their lives at the moment too. I would love for my siblings and I to be able to provide our mom with a beautiful service and burial as per her last wish for when the time came, but it came much sooner than expected. Her one last wish would be to be buried in her hometown of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, along with her family. I'm not sure how we as her children can come up with the funds as quickly as possible to provide her with a beautiful service and fly her body to Puerto Rico to fulfill her last wish now that the time has come.

She had two other lifelong wishes that never came true: raising her children and having a healthy life. Her children were taken away in her late 20s at no fault of her own. She was going through deep post-partum depression and other mental health issues. She became a ward of the state of New York and was unable to see her kids for 10+ years. Not long after, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her late 30s, operated on, and went through chemotherapy. Unfortunately, her cancer came back far more aggressive and spread throughout her body. The doctors had estimated about 6 months to a year. Unfortunately, and so regretfully, she only got 4 months.

I hope there's still some kindness left in this crazy world. Please share with as many family or friends as you can. We would love to honor her wish (or as much of it as possible) so we are asking if you can find it deep down in your heart to please help grant her last wish by donating any monetary amount you can spare to this cause. With grateful and open hearts we all thank you for your generosity and god bless you every single day. Live life to the fullest, as it is very short.

Organized by

Madelyn C.R.Parker

Woodbury, MN, USA
