About this fundraiser

November 17th 2023 me and my children were sleeping in our apartment when I heard smoke detectors going off quickly my whole apartment was feeling with smoke we were choking and all I can see was flames coming through my door me and my two daughters 14-year-old maran,8year old airian, we were on the 5th floor in Detroit Michigan on Bethune st, due to the fire my two kids were forced to jump out the window my 8-year-old was caught by civilians she made it out with scratches and deep cuts my 14-year-old was lucky to be alive but unfortunately she's suffering two broken legs a broken arm of fractured spine she has seven surgeries already and she's currently still hospitalized she has to wear a back brace for a whole year to see if she can heal better otherwise she'll have to have one more surgery these phones will help me and I will appreciate them due to the fact that I am homeless at the moment and I lost everything me and my children due to the fire smoke and damages if you will help with these funds I would truly appreciate it so I can start my life ba

ck over the fire was caused by arson and ex-boyfriend who has been stalking me for 2 years he is currently arrested and hopefully he will never come out again this wouldn't be his first offense from arson he's done this before in 2019 with another woman I'm just seeking a hand for help with me and my children ,I will truly appreciate a hand to move and replace items that were destroyed and just to get my life back to normal.

Organized by

Markita Gilbert

Detroit, MI, USA
