About this fundraiser


It is with a 💔 that I revise this fundraising effort. As some of you may know, Chris passed away unexpectedy last Sunday. Thank you to all who donated and sent well wishes his way. He was so touched and blown away by the kindness and generosity of his friends here at Rosemeade and his family and friends outside of Rosemeade. It helped him tremendously during a rough time!

Now understanding better the depth of love and caring he had for his family, in his honor I’ve decided to reactivate his GiveaHand account for their benefit and with their permission. The heartbreak they feel is beyond words.

Chrid was an anchor in his family! He leaves behind his brother James, who is legally blind and lived with him, his widowed mother, older brother, sister, nieces and nephews. After meeting each of them this past week I realized that they all have a bit of Chris in them. They are amazing and kind people!

It is important to note that this fundraiser has nothing to do with the Rosemeade Apartments or his employer, theConAm Organization. It is a way for family and friends of Chris to pool resources if they so choose to help in this form. Please direct questions or concerns my way, or to Chris’ family if you are connected in that way. 

Chris’ mother wanted all Rosemeade residents to know how deeply he cared about his job and the people he served! He worried and fretted daily about everyone’s needs, and whether they were being taken care of in his absence. Chris was scheduled and anxious to return to work on Monday, but tragically that was not to be.

Thank you again to those who donated to Chris during his absence while recovering from ankle surgery, and know that there is no pressure to donate again and no pressure for anyone to donate. These funds will help Chris’ family during a very difficult and substantial life transition. Thank you!

R.I.P. Dear Chris 🙏🏼🩵🪽                                            Christopher Michael Whitlaw                                               1984 ~2024



Fundraising team

karen rose

Roseville, CA, USA


Christopher Whitlaw

Team member