About this fundraiser

Hi everyone!

I am fundraising to cover legal expenses to file a lawsuit against a former employer of mine for sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and wage theft. as a result of my former employers reckless actions, I lost a $100K year job, ended up homeless for a while, and have been struggling to find work in my line of work. I’m trying recover full damages as a result of all of this. 

I am currently getting consultation from a lawyer that believes that it will be a rather simple and winnable case. In order to proceed forward with the lawsuits, I need to be able to cover legal fees for the lawyers. Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated!

Please donate what you can and share widely. This situation has been the most economically burdensome situation I have experienced in my life. filing this lawsuit and winning would go a long way towards achieving Justice and economic stability again!

Organized by

Dillon Foster

Los Angeles, CA, USA
