About this fundraiser

He suffered a major stroke on May 30th. He was hospitalized for 5 days. On June 3rd he was transferred to a nursing facility for rehabilitation. On June 13th his State Insurance advised they no longer would cover his stay and that he had to be discharged the following day. On June 14th we brought him home to his 2nd floor apartment.

Prior to the stroke, he had been dealing with diminishing eyesight due to Neurovascular Glaucoma. The stroke took what was left of his eyesight, leaving him completely blind.

It was quite apparent after he returned home that we were dealing with much more than just blindness. He was becoming more and more confused daily. We immediately started working with a local Home Health agency. We even met with a Case Worker from the local Department of Social Services, Adult Protective Services Division. We begged evey day for them to help because we could not keep him safe at home as he needed 24 hour care due to the increasing confusion, being off balance, and multiple falls.

To our surprise, we were advised that there are no immediate/emergency services available. "It takes time. " We were also advised that we couldn't even have him committed to the local hospital to keep him safe. The only way he could be admitted was if he fell and sustained injuries severe enough for admission to the hospital.

Due to the inequity of resources available, he ultimately lost his life in the most horrific and tragic manner. On July 9th, he fell to his death; plummeting from his 2nd floor balcony to the concrete steps below. His body was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for autopsy.

He was 51 years young. He had no life insurance, and no money.

We have made numerous phone calls and in-person requests for financial assistance to cover the cost of a simple cremation to no avail. The Anatomy Gift Registry would not accept his body for donation to science/research due to the extent of trauma to his body.

Typically, a body has to be claimed from the M.E. within 72 hours or be sent to the State Board of Anatomy for cremation and interment of cremains in the State cemetery and the family has no rights to the cremains. Because we are desperately trying to raise funds, the M.E.'s Office has graciously afforded us a few more days.

I am requesting help to pay for his cremation so that we may bring his cremains home where they belong. If you can find it in your hearts and are financially able, please consider donating to this cause. If you are not financially able to help, please find it in your heart to share this post

Organized by

Laci Castillo

St Thomas, PA, USA
