About this fundraiser

This fundraiser is being created for a family who would like to keep their names unknown,  please respect their privacy.  This family has been struggling due to losses in the family and other hardships along with ongoing health struggles.  They have been working hard to try and fix this situation.  However their struggles have reached a point where they are in desperate need of help.  They did not want to have to turn to asking strangers for help but have unfortunately come to a point where they have no other choice. At this point every little bit helps and anything anyone is able to donate will be greatly appreciated  in the aiding of getting this family back on their feet.  They have made a promise to pay any kindnesses they receive back as soon as they are in a better standing again themselves. 


From the bottoms of their hearts thank you!! 


I have left my name off this as well as to not have their identity known through my own. Thank you again for any help you can provide even if it is just through a quick share.

Organized by


Putney, VT, USA
