Hello I am anonymously posting this for a friend and their family who are in serious need of help. they are ashamed of where they are right now and do not want their names our there just know this is local family of 4 who have fallen on hard times due to struggles left over from the pandemic and they multiple unexpected expenses due to medical and household emergencies and car related troubles…… the husband works full time and the wife is struggling with medical related things. they are trying hard and have tried to get loans but can't get qualified by banks…… this family is getting closer to their goal but are still desperate to stop from loosing their home. Please help in any way you can even a share can go a long way…… this family will definitely be paying any kinds they receive forward once they are in better standing!
Update it has been brought to my attention that I should add the recipients words here from a post they made after advice from a kind soul….
There is no drugs or alcohol no cigarettes use in this family..... just a string of bad luck and timing with the pandemic my husband is working towards better things with his company but we fell behind during the pandemic and everything snowballed my children are both under 10... We live in Putney I am working with some agencies I have canceled many things renegotiated other bills and even changes company to lower other bills we are now down to needing after a kind donation last night from the last I checked 2780 though I haven't checked again yet this morning so that night even be lower....... (As of this morning it is down to $2760) The large donor from last night suggested a near by church who might also be able to help and I will be trying to contact them Monday while the children are in school. I have already put a system in place to keep us caught up and have been staying on top of current payments but just need to catch up with the overdue to stop the eviction. I am also working with my children's school to obtain more assistance to help me learn better budgeting and may get more assistance through that agency to support us with small things...…
Please donate to comment.
Anonymous Donor | $20
3mos agoGod has not abandoned you and that's shown by the help you are getting here.
Anonymous Donor | $20
3mos agoI so hope you can keep your home. None of us should have to struggle so much.
Anonymous Donor | $25
4mos agoWishing you better days.
Anonymous Donor | $200
4mos agoI have been in your shoes. Best wishes in all things!
Nancy Alexander | $50
4mos agoSending an additional donation in hope that it helps. I do hope you do not get evicted ! Good luck.