I have hired Soren Niewelt to come to USA from Germany to bring his artistry, talent, and joy to my dance school. We have paid a lot of money for his work Visa, and have been waiting much longer than we should have. I have contacted Senators for help but they just confuse us.
Soren came here a couple weeks ago on an ESTA to bring his pets and some belongings, get acclimated to Chicago, and make connections in our dance world. Even though he had a round trip ticket, he was treated like a criminal, detained at the airports for 9 hours, phones taken away, and literally escorted onto a plane going back to Germany. It was a devastating experience and an embarrassment to our country. People are walking across our borders and get to stay at tax payers expense, yet we pay many thousands of dollars to do this legally, and get treated terribly.
Not to mention the animal abuse that their pets experienced. They have a French Bulldog that they were bringing because they are known to die on flights in the summer months. He was leaving his dog and 2 cats and with us to care for until they were here. Customs would not let their pets out of the cages. No food, water, or allowed to relieve themselves. Their pets were caged for 51 hours! The poor dog was caged longer because customs lost its paperwork and they would not release him back in Germany.
This was a devastating experience for Soren, his wife, and pets. It was for me as well, but that is another story and complaints will be filed after his Visa goes through.
I am thoroughly exhausted and need him here to help me. His expertice will give me a reprieve from my 7 day work weeks where I just recently produced, directed, stage managed, costumed, etc. 7 shows for over 400 students this past month. Not to mention all the other hats I wear running a large school and a non for profit.
We are asking for help to help pay to expedite the Visa to guarantee it gets through while he can still get here. The cost is more than we can afford, as we have already put out over $14,000 in fees and expenses.
Any amount will help and is greatly appreciated. Donors will be our guests at Sorens first show in Chicago.
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