About this fundraiser

I need the money because my mom got dementia cane to live with me from nursing home 2 weeks later found 8cm tumor in liver this was in Jan 2024 she did not keep her life insurance paid due to dementia and the cancer spread she was given a week to live I wasn't able to find insurance that would cover her due to dementia cancer and diabetes she had all 3 thing you won't get insured for unless you can hold out for 2 years waiting period. Momma didn't have that much time she passed away May 3rd I couldn't afford funeral due to my caring for her took all my savings so now she is at Affordable creations plus I owe $989.00 for her ashes and the other money is to take her to St 

.Joseph Missouri to bury her by my ded where she has a plot I was unable to get her to. I would be thankful for any help I can get to get mom home with dad and not on some shelf in affordable cremation place all alone. I feel sad in my heart cuz I couldn't give her a funeral and I could not live with myself if I loose her ashes. Please help with anything you can afford to add with the money I'm working on at a temp. Job placement company here in wichita. Mom deserves to be at Pease not all alone on a shelf. Thank you and God bless. Love your mom while she's here everyone because to live without her is the worst loneliness you will ever feel in your life everything changes when your mommas gone


Organized by

Iretha Pruett

Wichita, KS, USA
