About this fundraiser

Hello, My name is Laurette… I am here asking for your grace, kindness and generosity for a woman who meant the world to so many… On July 4th, 2024 at 101 years of age my grandmother, the last of 6 children… took her last breaths here at my mothers home In Moreno Valley, Ca. She was an independent strong woman who cared for, and protected so many! She help my mother escape a domestic violence situation, helped with funds to take care of my brothers funeral costs after his untimely death due to a car accident in “98”, all while fostering an autistic child who came to her from an abusive home. To say she was an angel on earth would be an understatement. Unfortunately she became ill with dementia alzheimer’s which intern forced my mother to seek out a conservatorship in order to protect my grandmother’s properties and investments over the years. More recently, we have come to discover that this was quite the mistake. A few days before my grandmas, final breath we reached out to our attorney to inform him that my grandmother was declining to file the paperwork to obtain the remainder of her funds in her conservatorship blocked account. He informed my mother that he was out of town and would electronically file for an ex parte hearing to obtain the remaining funds, unfortunately he wasn’t as prompt as he lead us to believe. So now due to her passing, her funds and remaining properties are now being handed over to the probate court. My grandmother set herself up so well financially at a very young age being a single mother working two jobs to make sure my mom’s every need was met, and ours. With my mother now being 74 and retired, myself being a stay at home mom to help my mom with caring for my bedridden grandmother and my two daughters… we are both without an income, and being face with the harsh reality that we aren’t going to be able to give my grandmother the proper burial that she’s so well deserves. We are a giving loving family. Anyone of us would give the shirt off of our back to help the person next to us. We know times are tough for everyone right now, so any little bit will help! Currently her funeral arrangements are set for August 2, in Los Angeles, California. Her wishes were to be buried alongside her mother. We have up until a week before to pay off her remaining balance for her funeral cost. Also, for anyone who took the time to read this far… Thank you for your time, and patience, And may god bless you!♥️

Organized by

Laurette Holguin

Moreno Valley, CA, USA
