Hello, my name is Jeffrey and I am coming on this platform seeking help as I don't know what else to do. My life is collapsing as I write this... It started when I lost my job, I was working, married, paying rent, taking care of my child, and feeling like I had my life together, but unfortunately, I have been dealt a set of cards that have not helped me win at life at the moment.
At first, I thought it was just a bump in the road, I thought I’d find something else quickly, but the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the weight of the situation began to crush me. I can't make ends meet anymore, and the mounting bills became too much to manage.
What hurt the most was the realization that I had no one to turn to. My wife left me, my family, who I thought I could turn to (now that I needed them the most), all had reasons or excuses as to why they could not help or have me stay with them. I don’t want to be a burden, but I don’t want to lose everything.
I am coming to accept that I am homeless. I am currently staying in a boiler room basement of a family member, but due to overcrowding, and staying there was supposed to be a temporary solution, and so I was asked to find some other place to go.
My mother recently moved to North Carolina but i don't want to follow after her (even though moving in with my mother was not an option that was given to me), i also don't want to leave New York City as my daughter lives here, i don't want to be far away from her and see less of her. My daughter and my faith in God are keeping me holding on.
I am afraid of becoming completely homeless, I know the city offers many resources, which I have begun the process of requesting their services. Even if it was just a shot at finding the next opportunity, or a kind person who would offer a hand, I couldn’t give up on being close to my daughter.
Through this dark time, I hold onto the hope that no matter how fragile it seems, I believe God will not forsake me. I also truly believe that God is using these hard times to help me grow as a man, to mold me to the man he wants me to be. I am determined to make it work somehow.

I understand it's important to be completely transparent as to how the funds will be used from any help that is provided; I have never started a Fundraiser before and I am trying to navigate this the best way I understand how. The money will be used to help pay for a room in New York City, also, the money will be used to provide for Emma's (my daughter's) every day expenses (lunch money, clothing, school necessities, and anything else that may arise). My hopes for this money are to help provide time to find stable work, stable housing, and also to provide for my daughter and myself with our everyday needs. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.
Thank you for taking your time in reading my current life circumstances and for any help you can offer in our time of need.
Here are some faster methods you can donate to help avoid any fee’s associated:
Zelle: Jeffreyr2 at yahoo.com
Paypal: Jeffreyr2 at yahoo.com
God Bless.
Jeffrey Ramirez

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