About this fundraiser

To help pay bills for my family because I can’t work due to my disability being on I’m still waiting on Social Security. I have five children and I need to move to a warmer climate due to my disability as well. I have Been out of work since 5/2023 until now my condition is now worse than before which keeps me out of work and back and forth the the 6-7 different doctors due to my disabilities and there is no cure yet even found or has gotten close to I have state insurance which only helps with so much I’m really in a bind I have to move to a warmer climate my rheumatologist told me this I currently live in Maryland and the struggle between my pain and my depression it has put my family into a state of anxiety and depression only one income with a woman who holds this family together with her check from her working in a clothing factory we really need help barely holding on 

Organized by

Terrance Crampton

Baltimore, MD, USA Minnesota USA Michigan USA


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