About this fundraiser

Dear friends, family, and kind-hearted supporters,

We are reaching out to you today with a heartfelt plea for help. Our beloved nephew, Kozimjon has been bravely battling a brain tumor. Despite undergoing two serious surgeries, there is still 20% of the tumor remaining, and the doctors are currently working on the optimal treatment plan that will include chemo and radiation to tackle this remaining challenge.

As you can imagine, this journey has been incredibly tough for our family, both emotionally and financially. The medical bills for the surgeries, hospital stays, and ongoing treatments are substantial. We want to ensure that Kozimjon gets the best care possible without the added stress of financial burdens.

We have set up this fundraiser to help cover the mounting hospital and treatment costs. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact and bring us one step closer to winning this battle. 

Any amount you can contribute will be deeply appreciated and will go directly to Kozimjon's medical expenses.
Please share this post with your network to help us reach as many people as possible.
Your prayers, love, and words of encouragement mean the world to us during this difficult time.

We are profoundly grateful for your support and generosity. Together, we can give Kozimjon the fighting chance he deserves.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Organized by

Madina Abdullaeva

McKinney, TX, USA
