Help John Overcome His Struggles
Hi, my name is John. I'm fundraising to try and help myself not lose what little stuff I have left .about 5 years ago I lost both my parents to cancer. Also lost my baby sister and brother-n-law a few months before my parents died. For a few years I was pretty much lost and I decided it was best for me to move somewhere new and try to start a life since all I ever knew was gone .everyday far back as I can remember my mom my dad my sister by the way my brother-n-law was my best friend before he married my sister anyway they always called me everyday and I guess I was waiting on my phone to ring but for two years it never did I couldn't take it anymore so I moved to Alabama to open a shop for a guy I knew. After that got even worse got to Alabama my truck got stole the first month my girlfriend had a little girl on the fourth of July same day my mother passed away. I said when my mom died I would never celebrate the fourth again then we had a beautiful little girl on that day now I will celebrate it till I die . Dhs showed up aweek later because we just moved into a motel and took the baby said we didn't have food the baby was a week old and breast fead. I left Alabama that week went to work for a guy in Meridian Ms and things started getting better we got a house got a new ride and had a set of twins a boy and a girl the most beautiful things in the world we still have them it's been three years almost since they took our first baby .the twins are finna be two.the guy I was working for got made because I didn't come to work for 3 days because we was in the hospital having twins . He couldn't understand why I had to be there to help her .it's two baby's I tried to explain but he stopped paying me I worked all Nov and all Dec he still would not pay me so I went to work for myself . Everything went good for about a year then I started having bad ear aches my throat started hurting . I woke up one morning went to eat a sausage egg and cheese mc muffin like I did most mornings and it choked me I couldn't swallow any thing that was three months ago. I haven't been able to work because my throat is so swollen everytime I eat some of the food gets caught in my throat and about a hour later I black out I've lost about 50 lbs I haven't been able to eat at all only thing I have found is oreos because when you get them wet they turn to nothing n g so I put one in my mouth and get a drink of milk and let it get soft enough for me to swallow with more milk I don't have insurance and can't afford a doctor I've sold most of everything I had to pay my bills and rent I'm down to nothing and don't know what else to do. Anything would be a blessing at this point. I'd like to be able to know that when I get out of the hospital I still have a place to stay. Thanks for taking the time to read this hope you have a blessed day thanks
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