About this fundraiser

Hi my name is Kelli and my daughter and I are struggling to make ends meet; especially paying our rent. I have worked in the mortgage industry for 40 years but recently was laid off. My daughter just graduated from welding school but has not been able to secure a welding job yet. She is working at a pizza restaurant near our house but we are having difficulties paying our rent and car payment on just her small paychecks. I am a single Mom who raised my 2 kids all on my own with no financial help from anyone. We struggled at times, but I always was able to keep a roof over our heads, a car and all the necessities we needed. I survived through 2 recessions in my line of work however this is the first time in my entire life that I’ve been out of work. I was on unemployment for 5 months but it has ended last November. I have depleted all my savings over the past year since being laid off. I’ve applied for permanent disability through SSDI due to my health issues and have waited 13 months for approval and finally received a hearing date in May. I’m hoping to be approved but I just need help the next few months until then. I’ve always been a self sufficient person and never have depended on anyone for my financial needs. This is a very difficult situation for me and one I’m not familiar with. I am a crafter and artist and would be happy to make something for you in appreciation of any donation you can give.    Any amount you can assist with will go towards our rent and your generosity will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your consideration.  

Organized by

Kelli Kreis

Long Beach, CA, USA
