About this fundraiser

Hello friends and family!

A friend told me the other day, “we all need help sometimes“. And I realize that is more true these days than ever before. 

I am reaching out to you in a time of great need. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are facing the possibility of being evicted from our home. I am asking for your support in the form of donations to help me cover the rent and avoid eviction.

Any amount you can contribute would be greatly appreciated and will make a huge difference in our situation. Your generosity will not only help my kids and me stay in out home, but also provide me with much-needed peace of mind during this difficult time.

Thank you for considering supporting us in this time of need. Your kindness and generosity mean the world to me.

Sincerely me, putting my pride aside and asking for help❤️

Organized by

Arnique Craig

Lawrenceville, GA, USA
