About this fundraiser

Unexpectedly on May 3rd of 2023 my close friend unexpectedly passed away…he had no life insurance no burial of any sort set up or anything…with the passing of his sisters husband just a few weeks before doesn't have the funds to put her brother to rest….Larry has no wife and his children hasn't stepped up to even contribute in helping with any of the expenses…it's sad that this big hearted man that would do anything for anyone has nobody that is willing to step up and help when it's really needed.  So I'm asking for anyone that can possibly plz help us with Larry's cremation even if it's just a $1.00 it would greatly be appreciated…plz help us lay this man to rest…anything will be appreciated more then anyone will ever know….TIA…and god bless

Organized by

Jennifer Fritts

Nevada, Missouri, USA
