About this fundraiser

hello. I am 35 years old. A hard worker. Been working since I was 16. I’ve been through a lot of really horrible things that no one should ever have to go through. But somehow I managed to keep fighting to keep pushing through. Usually, I can be pretty stubborn and I don’t like asking for help but right now, I need to swallow my pride because I’m at the point where I have no other options and I just feel like giving up. I know that’s not the answer and that’s not gonna fix anything but I feel so hopeless. I lost my job and was out of work for a few months and got so far behind on my rent and my electric . Got a new job and the hours are great at first getting almost 40 hours a week but then they cut everyone’s hours because business was slow so now I’m only getting 20 which isn’t enough to catch up and pay bills. I’m two months behind on rent and so far behind on my electric. I got a shut off notice for the electric and an eviction notice for the rent. ive exhausted all my options. I don’t know what else to do. I’m so overwhelmed right now. I can’t focus on anything else except worry and stress 24/seven. A friend of mine offered to pay my $900 electric bill out of the kindness of his heart and that gave me a small glimmer of hope that at least I can get this taken care of and then just have to focus on my rent you know maybe maybe it’s manageable.  my debit card that I was going to use had been canceled and they were sending me a new one so I asked another friend of mine if I was able to use theirs and he told me that his girlfriend has a debit card linked to her cash app and I could use that. I’ll just send her the money that my friend sent me and then she’ll send me a picture of the card to use . So i made the payment. 2 days later I got another shut off notice and it says I still owe over nine dollars. i was thinking to myself that’s impossible because I just paid it two days ago. My friends girlfriend decided to send me a picture of her card so that I could use it to make the payment after I sent her the money and as soon as I made that payment the next day, she called her card company and said that it was fraud and that she didn’t authorize that payment so she then canceled it  and withdrew nine dollars out of the ATM and kept it. my friend that loaned the money didn’t have abother $900 to laon me again. I was so devastated.  I don’t understand how someone can be so cruel. Instant since under $1000 is not considered a felony. Period I plan on pressing charges and that might get me the money back if I take her to small claims court and when the case they might garnish her wages and I’ll get my money and increments possibly. But that doesn’t help me with a shut off notice from my notice my apartment.  so as it stands right now i am still so far behind on everything and I’m about to lose my home and be homeless , I have no food in my home as well. I’ve lost about 15 pounds in the past two months because I haven’t been able to eat and can’t afford it every penny that I get goes towards trying to get the bulls caught up but it’s just too much and I can’t get ahead and it’s so easy just to wanna say screw it and give up but I know that’s not gonna solve anything or fix anything. so i am begging you to help. Please anything will help. I’m tired of worrying and stressing and crying every day. I don’t wanna lose everything I worked so hard to get if I could just get everything current then it would be so much easier for me to keep up with my bills , im praying for miracle. I lived in my home over six years. And I love my apartment. It’s my home. It’s where all my stuff is. And I’m terrified to be homeless and live on the streets. I really Hope someone can help me. I would appreciate it so much.  Thank you for your time. 


Organized by

Nick Merlitti

Akron, OH, USA
