About this fundraiser

Hi…My husband and I have been struggling lately to make rent and bills doable. He is on disability which has cut income in half and I am currently unable to work do to Grandmals. Rent..bills..cost of surviving hasn't changed or gotten better. A friend sent us this link in hopes we can get some help. Any donations will help and will pay it forward as soon as possible. Waiting on section 8 is a long wait and food stamps we aren't eligible. I'm fighting to get SSI but so far it's been up hill battle. I know many are struggling like us. Appt after appt is crazy between us both and even are car is not safe. Just getting hit one thing after another. Any advice prayer or shares also greatly appreciated..Life is an adventure. Just praying for a break and hoping my husband doesnt pass..His cancer doesn't go in remission..Hes stage 4 and his blood levels keep going down hill..Only thing that's not been effected with him is lungs.. Radiation has even placed it in his bones…between palletive care..oncology..chemo..PCP..blood work and mri and cts constantly its been a mess..I'm doing my best to stay on track and take care of him but my physical health and mental  health is not great to say the least..Taking it one day at a time..One minute at a time..Dont know what future holds for us both but pray daily for a miracle..Thank you and God Bless!.💜 If any questions or concerns look at pic I posted in organizer shows husbands doc info…hope ppl realize words hurt and id NEVER scam anyone…♥️♥️♥️♥️

Organized by

Loni Dietsche

Canandaigua, NY, USA


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