About this fundraiser

I live in a abandon apartment no water no electric I have heart failure kidney failure I'm an amputee who has lost 6 toes going on more. I'm so depressed I have went to every organization you can think of for help but it seems they think I have all the time in the world to wait. I was told by the owner of these apartments that I would need to leave so now I'm looking at this bridge that scares the hell out of me because of the rain.  I just want peace please . My son's friends try to help as much as they can but we are all poor and are trying to survive I want a break from this hectic life I want to dye comfortably. I'm praying for God to save me please from this hell I'm already living please there has to be some hope some where. I'm a good person i just know that GOD will help I know somewhere there is a person out there that will feel what I'm saying. 

Organized by

Tina Clark

Oklahoma City, OK, USA
