Latest update as of Aug 07, 2024

  • Update

    Doing a CT to check what type of fracture it is. If it’s just a clean fracture will do pins. If it’s shattered. They will clean it up and remove her femoral head. Doesn’t impact walking but her gait will be different but won’t hurt. Going to also confirm bladder is ok with CT. Know more around lunch.

About this fundraiser

Monday night, August 5 we had just got home and let our dogs out when we heard a loud noise and Ivy screaming and running up the steps. Shortly after a car sped off. We immediately rushed Ivy to the emergency veterinary office and they confirmed that she had two pelvic fractures and questionable organ rupture. We were sent to another specialty vet who confirmed that she was medically stable. No organ damage, however, had suffered two pelvic fractures. we are now going to a specialty or at university of Georgia. This is something that was not planned however we love our baby and wanna make sure she’s taken care of any help you may provide and is greatly appreciated. 

Organized by

Brittany Hines

Moreland, GA, USA
