About this fundraiser

I am fundraising for my brother who is battling a very rare form of terminal cancer. He has a wife and 4 children under the age of 15. He was originally diagnosed June 17th  this is the diagnosis he received Jon has Hepatosplenic T cell Lymphoma,  which affects the bone marrow, spleen and liver, but is a type of blood cancer. It does cause the spleen and liver to enlarge, and is an aggressive, fast growing cancer.  Without treatment he would have at best guess only a few years. But we caught it basically at the beginning, doc thinks only a month or so that he's had it. 

The treatment plan right now, is to begin chemo soon after consulting with another doc in the city next week(23rd), and doing a liver biopsy(29th) and  pet scan(24th). 


He thinks right now he will do 3 rounds of ICE chemo, possibly more and he will stay in the hospital for 3 days each time, and then 3 weeks at home, before returning for another round. This is a very aggressive chemo. The doctor said that it is so powerful that it kills the cancer cells on contact, but it will overwork his liver, spleen and kidneys as his body tries to detox them. They will give him shots of meds to try to help his organs through the process, but it is very taxing on his body.  And like with any chemo treatment, there is a great possibility of another cancer developing bc of the chemo drugs. But at this time, there is no other treatment options, and bc it is fast growing, there isnt time to try to find anything else.”

After 82.5 hours of ICE chemo and surgeries Jon went into remission although he was unable to walk or resume any sort of normalcy in his life due to the pain. Neuropathy pain had invaded his body. 

After 9 months of remission, his cancer has returned with a vengeance. They are suggesting more chemo and has been put on the bone marrow transplant list. None of these treatments will be a “cure”. In the meantime they have been going back and forth with SSDI who do not have this rare cancer on their immediate help program and they had to hire a lawyer to help. Without money coming into the household and exhausting all savings they now have a broke down car that cannot get them to treatment, their utilities have been turned off one by one with only the electric left and a shut off date for that in just a few days. Their little family needs help more now than ever. They have been trying to do so much on their own and with family help but, all resources are exhausted.  You can read their journey here https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jonjoyner/journal/view/id/649472231c4e7b0f29225845 for more information. But we are humbly asking for help just to get the utilities back on and get the car fixed. Any amount would be a blessing. 

Organized by

Joni Joyner

Bedford Park, IL, USA
