Thank you for your time, consideration and contributions!
I am asking for your support in pursuing my academic training in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Healing in Maui!
I received an amazing experience with bodywork healing from my first experience with Lomi Lomi last year. Once my session ended I had to know where I could learn Lomi Lomi to provide to myself, my family and community at large!
Thank you to Elraya Whyte, Bodywork by Elraya - @elrayalahar9
I discovered Ho'omana Spa Maui, where Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Healing is taught!
I applied for two scholarships, Aloha and Tim Bresenden Memorial Scholarship to attend the month-long Immersion Training from August 9th to September 5th 2024.
I won the Aloha Scholarship!!!!!
I am seeking financial assistance to help me pay for my first payment of $659.00 to hold my spot, tuition cost, round trip flight ticket, food and partial dorm stay.
Asking for $6,000.00 total ~
Currently, I am unable to pay with my current income. I am full of determination, passion, commitment, Integrity, generosity and consistency, to provide wellness healing that supports individuals, couples and families.
Looking forward to sharing wellness healing with the community!!!!
Aloha Scholarship criteria ~
- This scholarship (up to $400) is offered throughout the year to anyone with a willing heart who is committed to bringing these ancient teaching to their families, communities, or who are interested in being supported by a career that perpetuates these teachings into a modern context. To apply, please reply with your letter of intent. Tell us a bit about yourself and how you will bring these teachings, with kuleana (responsibility), to your ‘ohana and community.
Tim Bresenden Memorial Scholarship criteria ~
This auspicious award is given to one individual each year that aspires to exemplify this spirit of building community and inspires others by doing so.
1. Describe a major event or inspiring person that has shaped you life or made you who you are today.
2. How will this scholarship help you reach your goals?
3. What are you currently doing to be a peacemaker and bridge-builder in your home, community and/or the world?
*If you would like to read my responses to these Scholarships please let me know!
See details on website -
Thank you for your time, consideration and contributions!
All the best,
Monique La Vada Mc Math
Studying Ayurvedic Practitioner • Advocate • Poetess
Tumbleweed Love
Please donate to comment.
Carmen Day | $55
4mos agoStill looking forward to booking a session with you!!! B
DeAnna lee Batdorff | $108
5mos agoA mala worth of support! You look happy and can't wait to receive a lomi llomi treatment on your return. Hariaum,DeAnna
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