About this fundraiser

By supporting Mackenzie Gean Stapleton Fundraiser roadside memorial. 

Not only helps tremendously but touches the hearts of many but contributing to the love we all share for such a special girl. Any offering you choose to provide, is what makes the love so special and a huge blessing. All donations go to the cost providing  weather proof suitable material and will be placed at the location side and lawn care to clean up the structure as well. Due too weathering and little resource has made it so challenging but little by little … we will get there!

 the family is honored to have the kind support you contribute towards and all SUPPORT IS welcomed!  THANK YOU with all of our hearts. Help us carry on the special gift of a lifetime remembering a close loved one. You will make a big difference!! Forever and Always. Mackenzies family. ♡


Organized by

Kaylei Stapleton

Allen, OK, USA
