About this fundraiser

I have always wanted to start my own business.It's within the financial and insurance industry. I will keep the donations open for 9-12 months (potentially longer if requested).Please feel free to donate, every bit counts.

This is how I see it working. Donations will come in when I start the business this week with my own capital. Donations wil help me build my business as well as reap some benefits for you. Your kindness in.donating will help me put my plan into place. Every bit counts.

Example: Donating $100 to $300 you will receive 10%.of your donation. You will receive the 10% within the first 30 days, the original $100 will be sent within 90 days. Most banks pay out 2.5% to your savings account. I am looking to gain your trust and interest in helping me out so you will donate again and even upping your contribution to help me. These figures are guaranteed. You will receive confirmation upon your contribution as well as when you are reimbursed. PLEASE DONATE, every bit counts.

Example: Donations over $300 or more will receive 12% or more. The 12% or more will be reimbursed within the first 50 days and the contributions of $300 or more will be settled within 140 days. As mentioned above, I am looking to gain earn your trust so you feel comfortable in donating again.These figures are guaranteed. You will receive confirmation upon your contribution.as well as when you are reimbursed.

Example: Any Donations under $100 will go directly to funding my business i.e 2-3 computers, rent, office supplies etc These funds/Donations still have the potential to receive some benefits. These along with the donations of $100 or more will also help fund my goals in starting this great opportunity.

I know from my past experience. This will work out well. I have faith in myself to grow this exciting opportunity.

If I don't reach a certain level of contributions within the first 9 months everyone will receive their guarantees (.$100 or more)  The ones that are exclusively helping  me with the frame work (less then $100 to get me started, your contributions are greatly appreciated and still have the potential to receive some benefit.

I ask and appreciate your contributions in advance. Please feel free to get you family and friends to join you in helping out.

Please DONATE and help with staring up my own business. IF there is anyone that has any questions please feel free to reach out to me. PLEASE SEND ME A TEXT at 520-271-4341. Even someone  potentially helping me out remotely.

Thanks again for your help and your donations/ contributions..

Feel free to donate  through the site or through zelle.

Your kindness and generosity will go a long way in my endeavor.

Thanks again and God Bless you.

Michael Polanco 







Organized by

Michael Polanco

Tucson, AZ, USA
