About this fundraiser

Hi, my name is Martina Brown oldest sister and my little brother has passed away in Alvin Glenn detention center jail in Columbia sc he was 25 years old he got locked up on on his birthday on June 10 2024 he died on July 22 2024 they told me he died from overdose in jail I don't believe them because his body was clean something is not adding up my brother had his problems but my brother always put family first and he loves to play around a lot and make us laugh he doesn't like when I'm stressed out he always says to me he wants to help me out he would give his last dollar to me . my brother don't have no life insurance at all and I can't afford to get my little brother buried and My mom passed away on May 15 2015 and our dad passed away December 28 2023 our little brother died on July 22 2024 I'm so hurting right now we have no parents no more this is crazy we really need help I don't know what to do and I'm definitely stress out 

Organized by

Martina Brown

Columbia, SC, USA
