About this fundraiser


By donating you will help us in working towards our goal of conveying the values of Islam and working for the good of society. May Allah (SWT) reward you greatly. 

MAS Quran Blossoms Expansion Project- Bridgeview, IL

A building that serves the community

The Quran Blossoms Building is the centerpiece of a thriving and well rooted community.  At the center of this building is a signature Quran, Islamic, Studies and Arabic program gauged for American Muslim children from the ages of 18 months to 5 years.   The successes of the programs run out of this building which began in 2007 are numerous and highlighted through the students the program produces.  The dedicated staff and personnel employed in the building do not cater solely to the needs of their enrolled students but work with other Islamic centers across the country to develop and implement a similar program.   So much good emanates from this building that is aimed at setting the building blocks to produce well rounded Muslim leaders who understand the American context and can contribute to it without compromising the rich levels of faith they embody.




Contribute Big or Small

Every contribution made is considered a ‘sadakah jariya’ vouching for the donor from now until the end of time so long as people are benefitting from the building.  As a Quran Institute building the student benefit is long term and endless.  What better investment is there to make than to invest in the teaching of the Quran to future leaders. Sieze the day and take advantage of this opportunity!

What Can You Do?

Make a one - time contribution or make a pledge to make small payments over a specified period of time. Tell your family and friends- a person who leads another to do good well get the blessings of doing the good himself.   Share the link with your social networks.  Make your contribution during the Holy Month of Ramadan and multiply your hasanat. 

All donations to the MAS Quran Blossoms building are tax deductible.

MAS Quran Blossoms (Ages 3-5)

Quran Blossoms is an exceptional daily program that caters to children ages 3-5. It teaches Arabic, Islamic manners and values, authentic Hadith and Du’as, and concludes in the memorization of juz’ Amma over a two years period. Through creative activities that seek to apply what the children learn from Quran in class, Islam becomes a practical way of life and students begin to develop leadership skills. A variety of themes and monthly activities are deployed to make the program engaging and relevant. Currently, Quran Blossoms expanded to three branches: Bridgeview, Orland Park, Burr Ridge and Crown Point, IN.






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JazakAllahu Khairan

Organized by

Malek Odetallah

Bridgeview, IL, USA


This fundraiser will directly support


Donations to a registered charitable organization
are usually tax deductible in the US.