We are trying to raise money for my mom's funeral costs,we cant pay for it unfortunately.my mom was my best friend ,my rock,she always gave the shirt off her back to me and everyone around her.we are trying to raise money to make her a bench with her name on it too for her memorial.please spread the word for my momma.she is still in the freezer storage until we can pay for her funeral costs…… we miss you dearly mom ❤️.
Please help us make sure my momma can rest peacefully, it would mean the world to us. Thankyou so much ,
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Anonymous Donor | $20
3w agoSorry for your loss. I hope you are able to celebrate her life
Brock McCormick | $25
1mo agoSo sorry for your loss. I truly hope you reach your goal. Much love to you and your family. 💗