About this fundraiser

To put it simply, my last payday my job has not paid me. I am the assistant manager of the flooring department of a hardware store and I am currently fighting with my HR department and my job's general office to try to have them reissue my check which never was funded to my account. My fear is that this will take a while and it will put me even further behind. My Internet bill is coming up and my fiance' and I are running low on food supplies. We had just came back from a vacation to visit a very good friend of ours who just had a baby so we purposely didn't have much in the house. My fiance's job unfortunately relies heavily on us having a stable Internet connection and our bill was due last Friday (9/13). She is not paid until the following week and our Internet company will not delay the bill for a week. To top it all off it's my fiance's birthday on the 23rd and I personally promised to take her out for dinner and if this doesn't get resolved I won't be able to do anything for her and it would break both of our hearts. We've had a rough journey to even get as far as we are and we were looking forward to having a nice meal. Even if I could cook something at home for her so she doesn't have to touch anything that day. Any kind of help at all would mean the world to us and I thank you for even taking the time to read my story.

Organized by

Devon Jakubowski

West Bend, WI, USA
