About this fundraiser

Hi my name is Amanda and my mom's name is Kelley. We are just 2 girls from Texas Makin the best of Life! My mom had a brain aneurysm over 10 years ago now and she has done remarkable even though she doubts herself. She is and always has been the sweetest most loving person I will ever know. She has helped so many others in need with a place to lay there head or a meal in their belly. She would give the shirt off her back, the shoes off her feet, heck probably even the britches off her tushy if she knew it would help someone. That's why I'm hoping others will see the light in her eyes and know she is deserving! I am the caretaker of my father who has had several strokes has a pace maker defibulator among other health issues. He lives with my mother but is unable to help much as he is in a wheelchair and very weak. My dad's been sick a long time. My mother once worked 3 jobs just to make sure the house payment was made and us kids were fed. She  always seemed to figure it out. Sometimes I think she worked so hard she was just trying to make it day by day. She helped ran a family business from her 20s for close to 30 years before my grandmother had a stroke and sold the business. She had no benefits nothing. Now that she's on disability ss…well 1200 a month barely pays a house payment these days if at all! Well up to date I went to look at her dishwasher, pulled it out and although I knew her cabinets needed to be replaced, I was shocked, upset even angry that my momma had to deal with a kitchen like that. My momma deserves the best! I wish for once she could feel what that feels like. This house my parents bought in their early 20s now over 60, well it reminds me of that old movie money pit lol. There is so much more to my mom and her story but I will leave this here in hopes maybe someone may help me help my mom. Thank you all for reading a very short version of this story. This would be a blessing beyond words. 

Organized by

Amanda and Kelley Adams

Burleson, TX, USA
