About this fundraiser

Unexpectedly my 23 year old son was diagnosed with a rare cancer that was growing on his neck his tonsils his throat and vocal cord he's a father of two young children but she has full custody of and raises without the biological mother. He has always held a consistent job sometimes he's had to have to consistent jobs and would have my sister who lives close by to him watch the children and pay her he has never been on any kind of government or state assistance food stamps or anything because he felt like as long as he was able to work then that would leave available funds and resources for other people who could not work for one reason or another. He has never been through anything like this nor has her family he works and a store in the local town and therefore he has to be able to speak clearly to serve a customers but with this cancer that will not be possible he doesn't have insurance but he said before his surgeries which since April 19th he's had two surgeries unexpectedly and also has to start chemo/radiation he said that he cant go back to customer service as his job but that hes very smart and good with a computer and computer technology and fixing almost any cell phones issues broke or not. So he has already stated going online before his surgeries looking for another source of income at home where he can also be with his children and of course me and my sister and parents will help with children. We only found out about this rare cancer a couple months ago. I'm asking for prayers and help with at least the electric bill and food. We know God will provide some how. BUT EVEN IF NO ONE DONATES ANY MONEY AT ALL TO HIM I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR YOU HELPING THE ONES YOU DO DECIDE TO HELP THROUGH THERE TRAGEDIES. AND IM THANKFUL FOR EVERYONE OUT THERE WHO DOES OR DOESN'T HELP WITH THIS FUND RAISER BECAUSE I KNOW YOU HAVE OR WILL HELP SOMEONE IN THIS WORLD WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT…THANK FOR YOUR TIME AND CONCERATON.

Organized by

Christina Saunders

Christiansburg, VA, USA
