About this fundraiser

I need help for my son.  I am desperate for help.  He has been battling mental health issues for last year and a half.  I believe the issues that started with him all begin with the a drug that was prescribed to him at a clinic I suggested he attend to help with his depression.  He started to thinking people were following him, living in his crawl space, pumping poison in thru the HVAC system etc.  I kept pleading with him to go into a facility to help his mental state and he absolutely 100% wouldn't because he was so sure these things were happening to him.  I wish I could go back in time and I would have been strong enough to just go get a mental inquest, but I didn't want him mad at me.  I will never forgive myself for that.  He is a good person, not a trouble maker.  Approximately 2 weeks ago he say on my couch and it could see his state of mind deteriorating.  He got in the fetal position and was sobbing and said he wanted to kill himself.  I jumped up and got my keys to take him to hospital.  Before I could finish he was out the door, in his truck when I heard them gun go off.  I just screamed in terror.  I saw his head laying on steering wheel.  I called 911 and was hysterical.  They were sending unit because my son was suicidal and we thought just killed himself.  While on phone with 911 I saw my son exit truck and run into the woods. I later learned that he was going to kill himself but at last minute he shot thru ceiling of truck.  Police came and was searching woods, they heard 3 more shots.  My son then surrendered.  I later learned he was depressed, drinking and took 2 of my dogs very strong anxiety pills so that he could sleep.  But it made him black out.  He has never been in trouble, he has been suffering with serious mental illness for last year and half and he needs treatment…. But because he fired firearm in vicinity of people he is charged with wanton endangerment.  But when we went to court they are asking to charge him with attempted murder.  I promise you, he was absolutely not trying to hurt anyone but himself.  I need legal help.  He made some terrible choices, I agree.  And he should pay for those choices but a life in jail is not the answer.  I moved to a small country town a few days before this happened.  I know no one and I'm terrified.  I am a single 53 year old woman trying to survive this.  The pain I feel is unbearable.  I work from home and bring home about 1100.00 every 2 weeks.  One attorney wanted 20k up front.  I don't even 20 dollars right now.  Please, I been you too see past the bad choices he made on this night and help me get him an attorney so he doesn't spend his life in prison.  He needs long impatient dual treatment.  Thank you for considering us.

Organized by

Vanessa Noyes

Horse Cave, KY, USA
