About this fundraiser

Dear Friends,

In these challenging times, the increasing costs of living are affecting everyone, including those of us who enjoy the finer things in life. I’m reaching out to you today to ask for your support in maintaining my over-the-top, luxurious lifestyle that I’ve worked so hard to build.

From the pristine infinity pools to the extravagant parties, from the sleek sports cars to the opulent mansion, my lifestyle represents more than just material wealth; it symbolizes the hard work, ambition, and dedication to living life to the fullest. But, as you know, the prices of everything from gourmet meals to premium gasoline have skyrocketed, making it more difficult to sustain this lifestyle.

Your generous donations will help ensure that I don’t lose the comforts and joys that I cherish so deeply. Here’s how your contributions can make a difference:

  • $50: Helps maintain the lush gardens surrounding the mansion.
  • $100: Contributes to the upkeep of the luxurious infinity pool and poolside bar.
  • $250: Supports the maintenance of my collection of high-end sports cars.
  • $500: Assists in hosting elegant outdoor parties that bring joy and glamour to my life.
  • $1000+: Plays a crucial role in preserving the overall extravagance of my home and lifestyle.

Every donation, no matter the size, brings me closer to continuing the lavish life I cherish. Your support means the world to me and allows me to keep living my dream without compromise.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Together, we can ensure that the increasing costs of living do not strip away the luxury and splendor that define my life.

P.S. Don’t forget to share this fundraiser with your friends and family who might also want to support this cause!

Organized by

Justin Lawler

Cincinnati, OH, USA
