Assalamu Alaikum, This Is Shijad Ahmed Tanjil, I live in New York, I have never used fundraising app or go fund me for any charity. This is the first time for this, This Fund raising is an invitation for my muslim brothers and sister and muslim reverts to build a Islamic Institute name Constitustion Of Quran and Sunnah Institute in bangladesh which will also be an orphanage for littile kids... They will be taught The All education of general line With The Major and Most Important subject will be Quran and sunnah... We have to buy a land and we have to build the building there as well for that we need atleast a minimum of $40,000 so now we trying to raise as much as possible through our Muslim brothers and sister All over United States and World...If you think that as muslims we should not look afters on anothers country and its ummah i will remove my raising ... I know lot of my brothers and sisters will not believe me because this time is a time of fitna and Trials... I can answer only one thing That In The Day Of Judgement Allah Azza wazal will show you the truth In Sha Allah..
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Shij Ahmed Tanjil
New York, NY, USA
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