Rebekah is my cat she is such a sweetheart. She came into my life when my daughter passed. It could not have been a better time. I needed someone to fill the void in my heart. Rebekah's momma was a stray and was rescued by Michigan Cat Rescue. Rebekah and her siblings were very sick it was still fall when they were born. The vet hospital nursed her back to health. She was recessatated a couple times. They never gave up on her she was a fighter. Just recently Rebekah got sick. I took her to the vet she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. The only treatment is hospitalization this was not expected. A few days earlier one of the cats we feed hobbled to our house. He somehow broke his paw and the bone was protruding out. He is supposed to have an owner down the street from us. I went to his house to ask him. If he had a cat and if so did he know he was hurt. He knew and never took him to the vet. Just let him walk around like that. We took Sam to the emergency vet. They amputated his paw to think the pain he was in. Must have been terrible even the emergency vets said it was bad. We got him the help he needed anyways. Now we have to get Rebekah better. So I ask you if you can please find it in your heart. To help my cat Rebekah with her medical treatment so I do not lose her I would be devastated.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Carolyn Knebler
Eastpointe, MI, USA
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