About this fundraiser


Rocko boy sure didn't come all pretty tied up with a bow and ready to go! Nope as a matter of fact he came running full speed ahead straight toward a person who didn't seem as scary and the loud thunder coming up fast behind him! Neither of them knew it then, but that person rescuing him would later become his handler- his Mom.

Rock was a young boy then, we estimate about 1 and he was TERRIFIED of storms and a BIG one was bearing down on us. Instinctually his Mama dropped down to her knees arms out inviting him to be held in her safety and comfort. Meanwhile, her friend yelled warnings, "That's not a puppy that is full grown PIT BULL what are you doing?" This big beefy guy with a huge square head jumped into his Mom's arms head first. And that began a beautiful relationship.

At the time it so happened that Mom had a broken arm (she also was dealing with more and more health issues related to a disease, Lupus, she had been fighting her entire life). It wasn't like she spotted ole Rocko and thought THAT is who I need. On the contrary- she started out trying to save him. No one knew then that he would save her more than once and it would come full circle 8 years later she is desperately trying to save him again!

Just a week or so after Rocko had arrived at her home Mama fell carrying a box in the hallway. The broken arm, box and her oh-so-natural gracefulness left her in a position where she was stuck. Just like the day when Mom put her arms out, Rocko knew what to do too. He dropped down onto his belly and with her amazement crawled under her and then slowly stood up-giving her just enough stability to get to her feet.

This amazing motion made her think, how much more could he learn? Could he help her with the little things during the day that are so frustrating? So they began working on little things, picking up things she dropped, opening doors etc. Rocko was a natural and aced every new skill- he lived to get praised by Mom. Never did he disobey, not once did he have bad manners or even an accident in the house.

In the eight years they have been together she founded the National Service Dog Alliance to help support and educate others. Rocko was her constant gaurdian, companion and protector. They had several moments of potential harm, but he never backed down.

On Wed. May 17th Rocko was out with Mom and Dad checking on a friend and shopping, They went around the back side of a small shopping strip on E. Kemper Rd. in Springdale Ohio just to let Rocko stretch and do his business. Rocko typically and historically NEVER leaves Mom. He also has a very specific whistle that will recall him. In a matter of less than 10 minutes he was GONE.

Everyone searched and searched and searched for hours. Not stopping until 4 a.m. Then right back at it the very next day. He did not recall. He could not be heard anywhere within a 5-mile radius. It appears quite obvious that someone took him. Perhaps they thought he had been abandoned? Or maybe he had hurt himself? He was starting to fight an ear infection so he couldn't hear like normal. He also is allergic to grain (wheat) and fleas.

Any time in the past that he has been left with dog sitters he has paced the floors and cried and cried for his Mom. He has NEVER been in a crate or cage and was trained to be off lead most of the time in case of a fall Mom needs help with getting up.

At this point his Mama is hysterical and we figure Rocko is probably just about to that point as well. which makes us worry more about his safety.

SO the National Service Dog Alliance is using this platform to raise funds for the Reward money. If we can get this to take off then this may be something our organization does for others often in the future. Of course, right now all we can focus on is getting Rocko home (one step at a time)!!

Service dogs are specially trained animals very specific to their owners. It takes years and years- countless hours and steadfast dedication to get a service dog like Rocko. Of course, this makes him desirable to others (well behaved, knows how to "do" for his owner etc), BUT WE IMPLORE OTHERS TO PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT HE IS TRAINED FOR SOMEONE WITH A DISABILITY! & his person desperately NEEDS him and his help at home.

So if you can help to add to his reward money we greatly appreciate it! We know it is tough for everyone out there even just $1.00 .....EVERY $1 helps! If you live/work in the Springdale/TriCounty Ohio area near Cincinnati PLEASE PLEASE KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR ROCKO! We were at 975 East Kemper Road (next to the Smithfield Plant). CALL ANYTIME [phone redacted]

Thank you

Organized by

National Service Dog Alliance

Cincinnati, OH, USA
