About this fundraiser

Hi, healing mother of two here. I have been selfish and have struggled with addiction most of my adult life. I’ve carried trauma silently for many years not knowing it was the driving force behind this soul stealing problem. After years of sleepwalking and giving up a life that I didn’t know how to handle because I felt so undesErving, I opened up the wounds and I allowed myself to get better. I fought through tears, anger, family issues, guilt and the heaviest shame, but I made it to the sunny side. The collateral damage even after 3 years is so hard to deal with. I can’t seem to get ahead and my kids shouldn’t suffer anymore for my choices years ago. Help us pay off and pay up so that we can breathe and make memories together!!! They are so proud and I just wish I could do more! Time is priceless, they deserve more! 

Organized by

Kristyn Williams

Charleston, WV, USA
