About this fundraiser

All funds donated will be used to purchase a bench in memory of Rob and his son Dyllan. The bench will be placed in the Boca Raton cemetery with hope to provide a reflection and rest for those visiting their loved ones who have past. The bench is ordered and will be placed at the Boca Raton municipal cemetery by spring. 

Organized by

Sandra Weaver

Boca Raton, FL, USA


Comments (9)

Please donate to comment.

Sharon Mulhern  | $65

1yr ago

Had just started to getting to know the jack of all trades in the SW9th St neighborhood off 12th Ave & his doggie Starla. Always fixing one of the neighbors jobs that needed to be done. The last one I saw which was top shelf was Billy & Angela Steffen's beautiful kitchen‼️ I am very sorry for his entire families' loss & a neighborhood who will never forget him. If we can learn anything from this tragedy it is we must stay clear of people, places,& things.

Mike Ludlow  | $75

1yr ago

Robbie will be very much missed. He was generous with his time and talents - and generous with the fruit of his fishing catch. A very special and enjoyable personality in the SW 9th Street neighborhood!

Leslie Young  | $50

1yr ago

Thinking of you in this time of sorrow. Prayer for strength during this difficult time.

Anonymous Donor  | $100

1yr ago

Our hearts are with you

Kupfer Family  | $100

1yr ago

Neighborhood will never be the same again. Very missed