About this fundraiser

Dear Friends, Family, and Kind Strangers,

I am reaching out to share the heartbreaking journey of my daughter, Dee, who has been battling multiple serious health issues for nearly eight years. Her story is one of courage, but it's also one of desperation, and we need your help.

Since her diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) almost eight years ago, Dee has faced an uphill battle. Along with the physical challenges of MS, she has developed epilepsy, which has resulted in severe seizures that can strike without warning, leaving her disoriented and vulnerable. These episodes have required emergency medical attention multiple times, making it difficult for her to maintain stability in her daily life.

In addition to epilepsy, Dee struggles with schizophrenia, which manifests as severe paranoia. She often feels as though someone or something is out to get her, leading to intense anxiety and isolation. This mental strain has made it challenging for her to connect with others and seek the support she desperately needs.

Recently, Dee received approval for disability benefits, which provides some financial support. However, the funds are not enough to cover the rent for a safe living environment or the cost of hiring a nurse to help manage her medications and check in on her regularly.

Dee requires monthly MS infusions that are essential for her treatment. Unfortunately, due to her mental state and the impact of her epilepsy, she has missed many of these infusions, which are critical for her functioning. Without them, her eyesight begins to falter, and she struggles to walk, often experiencing her legs giving out on her.

The situation became dire when Dee faced a troubling episode involving substance abuse, which led to her being unable to care for herself properly. This culminated in her losing her housing and ultimately finding herself homeless, spending nights in convenience stores and laundry mats. I have tried to provide support, allowing her to stay in my truck and later in my home, but the strain on our family dynamics has been immense.

Having a house would keep Dee off the streets and provide her with a stable environment where she can feel safe. A nurse would ensure that she takes her medications correctly and consistently, reducing the risk of her forgetting whether she has taken them. This is a serious concern, as she could easily overdose without even realizing it.

If Dee continues to get worse, there’s no way of knowing how much time she has left. I cannot bear the thought of her spending what time she has in total torment and torture. I am hopeful that securing a house and hiring a nurse would provide her with significant relief and comfort during this difficult time.

We are seeking funds to secure a safe place for Dee to live—ideally a house where she can have the stability she needs, along with a nurse to help manage her daily life and medications. Your support could provide her with a fighting chance to reclaim her life and find some peace amidst the chaos.

Every donation, no matter how small, will go directly toward covering rent, nurse costs, and her essential medical treatments. Your kindness could make a world of difference in her life and give her hope for a brighter future.

Thank you for taking the time to read Dee's story. Please share this campaign with others who may be able to help. Together, we can support her journey toward recovery and healing.

With gratitude,

Dale James

Organized by

Dale James

Union City, TN, USA
