About this fundraiser

I'm not sure if anyone will see this, but hello!👋

My nose has always been my biggest insecurity. So many events and years I'll never have photographs to look back on because I was too insecure to show my face. I have my father's nose, and sadly, that was always a reminder looking at myself in the mirror to see him (long story). I went to a consultation with a great surgeon who showed me my potential new BEAUTIFUL nose. The total cost was so expensive. Every time I saved a bit of money, something would come up, so I could never reach my savings goal. I stopped saving for myself, feeling selfish for something that seemed so vain. I thought a rhinoplasty just wasn't in the cards for me.

Well, years later…..I was a passer-by in an impromptu game of ball between 2 strangers in public. I was hit sideways, directly in my nose and SNAP! Here I was for everyone to see, bleeding with a rapidly swelling nose now shifted to my left side.

Fast forward to today. Needless to say, my new nose is even bigger of an insecurity (yay, right? Ha) and as time goes on, my smell and air intake diminishes, and my nose continues to grow as noses do. I have a large hump that's shifted to the left side of my face, while my droopy, overprojected, boxy tip points to the right. And my “curtains” are a little too open, if you know what I mean, haha!

I'm in a tough spot, helping my grandparents who are declining in health…as I realize I have become a full-time mouth breather. I miss smelling food, I miss being able to breathe through my nose.. I'm a claustrophobic type of person, so when my nose is a little irritated, I can't breathe through my nose whatsoever and it gives me mini-panic attacks because I feel like I'm suffocating. I don't want to sound desperate, but..I'm desperate. I will need to break my bones to straighten it, but while I'm looking for a septoplasty surgeon, it seems it may be a good choice to fix the cosmetic issues, as well.

I've put myself on the back burner for awhile - I deserve to breathe and finally feel pretty, right?😅  I believe in earning what you are given, but I also believe in good deeds, and what comes around goes around. I would greatly appreciate every dollar donated, and every donation = prayer 🙏💛  Message me, I would love to say hello!

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Organized by

Heather BP

Dallas, TX, USA
